Diploma in Reflexology
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a gentle healing art which dates back to ancient Egypt and China. It is the holistic understanding, study and practice of treating points and areas in the feet and hands that relate to corresponding parts of the body. Using precise hand and finger techniques, a reflexologist may improve circulation, induce relaxation and enable homeostasis. This encourages the person’s own healing systems to be activated to maintain wellbeing. Reflexology may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. After you have completed a course of reflexology treatment for a specific condition, many people find it beneficial to continue with regular treatments in order to maintain health and well-being. While many people use reflexology as a way of relaxing the mind and body and counteracting stress, at the same time many doctors, consultants and other health care professionals recognise reflexology as a well established, respected and effective therapy. With ever increasing levels of stress, it is important that people take more responsibility for their own health care needs. Reflexology helps us to cope on a physical, mental and emotional level thereby encouraging us to heal and maintain health in all areas of our lives. New start date now available
September 2025 Practitioner Diploma in Reflexology NRRI Accreditation The Practitioner Diploma in Reflexology from Solace Holistic Centre is thought by Joyce O’Sullivan MNRRI, VTCT, ITEC Qualified therapist and Certified teacher with over 15years clinical experience. The Reflexology diploma course certifies that the therapist is professionally trained to the highest standards and qualified to work as a reflexologist as self-employed, or as a spa or salon therapist. This Diploma will also enable the therapist to attain independent professional indemnity insurance, and membership of National Register of Reflexologists Ireland.
Plus: Examination Fee €100 & NRRI Student Membership €50 Booking Deposit: €200 ( To pay deposits contact Joyce on 0879510554) Payment plan option will become available online from August) Course Structure
Commencing - September 3rd 2025- June 2026
Course Details - General Information The syllabus is quite extensive covering every aspect necessary for the newly qualified therapist to practice the therapy independently with confidence and autonomy. All modules are delivered through in person presentations along with teaching aids and demonstrations to support course content. Course Modules – What you will learn. Module I – Anatomy & Physiology In this module the student will learn the fundamental and essential tools for the practice of Reflexology. Anatomy is the study of the structures that make up the human body while physiology is the study of how things work. To understand the workings and inner structures one must first understand its contents including how and why the various parts work and the role they play in keeping the body healthy. This module covers the 12 primary systems of the body. The student will learn about each individual system as well as the interconnection between each system and how they can assist and support a reflexology treatment. Module II – Reflexology Theory & Practice In this module the student will learn the required knowledge of the theory and practice of the therapy with emphasis on its practical application and understanding of giving a reflexology treatment. The students will learn the origins of the therapy, and its practice world-wide from early times to the present day including its association to other forms of energy work based on the meridian and chakra system of the body. The student will learn to develop their intuition to help support their reflexology treatments. In addition the student will learn how to identify the inter-relationship of the imbalances found during a treatment as well as the energetic imbalances. This theory and practice module equips the therapist with the knowledge of providing a professional treatment with care, while taking all the benefits, limitations, contraindications and cautions into consideration. Module III – Therapeutics & Pathology In this module the student will learn an extensive range of medical conditions and diseases of the human body which a therapist is most likely to encounter during the course of their work. It takes into account the symptoms presented by the client, the causes and effects of the condition and it also outlines the current conventional treatments. Module IV – Clinic Training In this module the student will learn the practical elements and expectations for the efficient and safe running of a Reflexology practice. It is delivered in line with current legislation and incorporates all policies, procedures, code of ethics and conduct fitting of a reflexologist in line with the accreditation of a reputable representative therapy association National Register of Reflexologists Ireland. The student will learn the necessary skills of setting up a business including Advertising, Marketing & Development techniques. This ensures the student will learn the required protocol of setting up their own private practice. It will also address exposing business to a variety of circumstances which could broaden employment opportunities and create a supportive and sustainable income stream for any future career. Module V – Case Studies The Case Study module is the presentation in writing of all the fats, findings, summaries and conclusions reached by the student at the end of a specified number of treatments. In this module the student will learn to demonstrate their knowledge of the theory and practice of reflexology gained throughout their course of study enabling them to adapt the training to suit the variety of clinical presentations which may be experienced during a professional career. The student will learn the necessary skills of taking a constructive consultation and developing a personalised treatment plan specific to an individual while documenting all the findings and outcomes in a structured way. In this module the student will learn to express their own research and opinions and demonstrate their understanding of their assessment, evaluation, interpretations and conclusion as presented by the client throughout the study. Module VI – Practioner Development and Ethics This module will provide a comprehensive understanding of good practice and the NRRI Code of Ethics and professional conduct. Health and safety requirements in a practice along with information regarding risks involved and First Aid Training in a workplace. Module VII – Self Care for Therapists and clients Taking in all aspects of Self care to include Mind and Body. Looking after ones wellness is priority to looking after all others. We will explore elements of Nutrition, Exercise and Meditation. This knowledge practicing reflexologist can share with clients to enable them to support themselves between appointments. We will look at a therapist approach to grounding before a treatment and clearing the energy once complete. Taking in the energetic connection between client and therapist.
To Book you place, click on the link to pay your deposit.
Tel: 087 9510554
Located in the Old Grainstore on Clarke Street.
In between the Clona Factory and Fiddlers. ![]()