By: Joyce O Sullivan
In Ireland, 8 Adults out of 10 will suffer from back pain at some stage in their life. Are you one of the 8? Some questions to ask yourself... Is it in the lower, upper or middle of the back? Is your posture good? Do you do repetitive work? Do you exercise? How is your diet? Is there financial worries? Is there family worries? Are you feeling emotional stuck or on an emotional roller-coaster? All these questions are relevant and some may be surprising but they can all help to figure out what may be causing your back pain and even perhaps how it can be eased. Poor posture, Repetitive strain injuries, Osteoarthritis, Slipped Discs, and Weak core muscles are among the most common reasons for back pain. In truth the list is endless and everyone's pain is relevant to them. On an emotional level, the back is out of sight and so is the perfect hiding place for emotions and issues that one doesn't want to deal with. We all know the saying "I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders!". This might be an emotional weight that has been placed on your shoulders and as a result can cause high stress and severe muscle tension. The Left shoulder in particular is related to "emotional stress", massage can help work this out and allows emotions to surface that you may not have even realised were there. This is also true for the neck or the inability to turn your neck perhaps what has happened in the past is too hard to look at and so the ability to turn your head has become restricted over time as the emotions become more locked in the neck. The middle back allows us to bend and move in different directions. We have all heard of "Bending over Backwards to help someone". Do you find yourself constantly saying yes to those looking for help from you, maybe some resentment is building up inside you. This resentment and frustration can have a trapping affect in the mid back where the muscles can lock around the spine prevent movement in the mid section. Hard as it is at times, it is important to say "no" and looking after what feels right for you. Saying no is a skill in itself and can be learned it's us to get more comfortable with saying no!! "Financial Strain is often linked to the lower back", this might surprise some but others may connect with this statement. The financial worries of being in debt or not having enough money to support yourself or your loved ones can sit in the lower back for years creating all sorts of lower back pain that can radiate up the back and down the legs. The lower back is what keeps you upright. if it is gets sore and you're finding it difficult to get comfortable standing or sitting, have a look inside yourself and what's going on around you and perhaps you feel you are letting someone down or trying to do too much at the moment. It's good to ask for help and support from loved ones to give you the strength to stand upright and continue walking through tough times!! As mentioned aside from emotions there are lots of physical reasons for having a "Bad Back". Weak core muscles, bad posture, Osteoarthritis, are all real issues that need to be worked on in order to maintain good health in the back. There are many options out there such as: > Massage, Osteopathy, Chiropractors, Physiotherapy, Talk Therapy, Acupuncture. Find what works for you, and what works for one person may not work for another, trust your instinct on this.
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